One more year has gone back and forth very much like that! As far as we might be concerned, it has been unified with a lot of examples and development.
It was our first year selling Sunies shoes and sandals. Regardless of the relative multitude of difficulties that accompany starting another business and all that is happening on the planet, we were as yet ready to extend and arrive at our objectives.
In 2021, we presented our excellent butterfly and hawaii Slides and our useful and veggie lover satchels. Across the world, we sold north of 20,000 sets of eco-accommodating footwear – all gratitude to our unwavering customers (who we love and care definitely!).
We opened deals to all of Europe, just as Asia.
For the present, we’ve taken care of our Sunies shoes and we are wearing our slides all things considered. At home, we pair them with socks to remain comfortable. We additionally love taking them out to the nursery and to the warm showers here in Vienna when we can!
While we sit tight for sunnier days, we’ve as of now begun to design the following summer’s assortment of cognizant shoes. It’s another way we keep warm all through this season and we can hardly wait to impart these recent fads to you!
What else do we have made arrangements for 2022? Later much interest, Sunies will at long last be accessible in the US!
In the background, we’ll be striving to work on our bundling, items and creation cycles to make them considerably more harmless to the ecosystem. For our clients, we’re centered around further developing our client assistance to keep giving a smooth shopping experience.
We grew a ton this year and are truly anticipating what’s coming!
Much obliged to you for supporting and being a piece of the Sunies mission. At the point when you make a buy from us, you’re assisting with making a big difference for the economical design development.
You are what causes our private venture to flourish and keeps us persuaded step by step. Without you, we would not exist!
We wish you extremely Happy Holidays and a wonderful year’s end!